Optimizing Conversions

Design Lead Consultant
2018 - 2019


In February 2018, I assumed the role of a consultant at SLR Lounge, taking charge as a Product Manager and Design Lead. The primary objective was to enhance the mobile platform, the store, and the checkout process. Despite the staggering 7.3 million annual site visits, the absence of a dedicated product manager and senior designer had led to a haphazard approach of adding and removing features without conducting user testing. Previous redesigns negatively impacted sales, with the 2017 overhaul causing the disappearance of guest checkout, shopping cart, and underperforming PayPal gateway.

My Contribution:
In my dual role as a Product Manager and a UX professional, I leveraged my expertise to make substantial contributions to the company. I meticulously researched and analyzed the issues, examining the root causes behind declining performance metrics. Despite initial skepticism from stakeholders, I charted a course forward.

One of the pivotal changes I implemented was a responsive payment design, resulting in a remarkable 30% boost in revenue. To further optimize costs without compromising quality, I strategically outsourced the development team, generating additional cost savings for the company. In an effort to streamline operations and maximize savings, the company diversified into different initiatives under my guidance, ultimately saving $1 million.

My collaborative efforts and strategic decisions not only led to enhanced user experiences but also substantially contributed to SLR Lounge's financial health and operational efficiency.
The industry standard for photography education & resources
See it live:
SLR Lounge article listing page on right

A Strategic Approach to Solving the Problem

When it comes to problem-solving, one of the fundamental principles is taking the time to truly understand the intricacies of the issue at hand. In our case, this meant delving deep into the problem by retracing our steps and diving into the wealth of data available to us. We meticulously examined various factors, including page views, bounce rates, e-commerce conversion rates, past revenue figures, and the diverse range of user personas. In the context of an e-commerce and education site like SLR Lounge, these considerations were particularly multifaceted.

Our approach began by addressing the glaring UX issues that were directly impacting revenue. One standout problem was the unconventional use of a Stripe checkout popup, a non-standard feature in the typical checkout process. Users even had the option to dismiss the popup by pressing the 'ESC' key, further compounding the issue.

However, we didn't stop there. We recognized that one of the most critical elements to design effectively was not the homepage or individual product pages but the often-overlooked category section of the store. Visitors arriving at SLR Lounge's platform typically arrived with a clear idea of what they sought, requiring a streamlined and intuitive path to access their desired products and a straightforward checkout process.

Our approach was underpinned by a commitment to meticulous understanding, user-centric design, and data-driven decision-making. By tackling these pivotal issues head-on, we set SLR Lounge on a trajectory to significantly enhance the user experience, drive revenue growth, and optimize the e-commerce platform.This strategic approach paved the way for a more efficient, user-friendly, and revenue-driven platform, ultimately improving the overall experience for SLR Lounge's diverse user base.

 5 Customer Typescustomer life cycle

The Old Flow

This old flow revealed that from the old workshop page there was only one way to “Premium” and extra steps to the “Checkout” from the workshop section, this was also revealed in the GOOGLE Analytics of a drop off. We needed to shorten the steps to purchase a product or become a premium member.

A user flow of a checkout flow

Enhancing Checkout Conversion with UX Improvements

In our quest to streamline the checkout process and boost conversion rates, we implemented several user-centric enhancements:

1. Streamlined Navigation:
To guide users seamlessly through the checkout process, we strategically removed unnecessary navigational elements that could potentially distract or tempt them to exit the process prematurely.

2. Visible Shopping Cart Reminder:
If a user abandoned the checkout process and began exploring other products, we ensured they were aware of their pending workshop purchase. By displaying the shopping cart on the right-hand side of the screen, users could easily spot their pending items. This thoughtful feature not only encouraged users to complete their workshop purchase but also led to a notable increase in conversion rates.

3. Abandoned Cart Email Sequence:
Building on the improved user flow, we introduced an Abandoned Cart email sequence. This series of emails was designed to re-engage users who may have left the platform without completing their purchase. By reaching out to these users with tailored reminders and incentives, we aimed to recapture their interest and encourage them to finalize their workshop bookings.

Through these strategic enhancements, we prioritized the user experience and ensured that potential workshop participants could navigate the platform seamlessly and with greater ease. As a result, we witnessed a tangible improvement in conversion rates, underlining the effectiveness of our user-centric approach.

Hi fidelity of a checkout process


- Implemented responsive payment design, increasing revenue by 30%
- Outsourced development team, saving the company money without compromising quality.
- Initiated cost-saving measures that saved the company $1 million.
- Enhanced the overall user experience, particularly on mobile platforms.
- Addressed issues resulting from previous redesigns, contributing to increased sales and improved e-commerce performance.

SLR Lounge's revitalized approach to mobile and e-commerce operations paved the way for improved user engagement and financial success.